Heidi Van der Molen

Heidi Van der Molen's Fundraiser

We can raise $40,000 to support children with PFD globally image

We can raise $40,000 to support children with PFD globally

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$1,805 towards $2,500

You all know my son Hadyn struggled with feeding since birth. I've shared our journey many times throughout the years but what I haven't shared is how amazing he is doing now at 14 years old. While he may not be able to eat an entire apple in one sitting or share a salad with me (yet), I am so proud of his accomplishments. Not only does he let me know he's hungry using his communication device, he chooses when he wants a drink or more or finished and even when he likes/dislikes something. It it amazing! I also want to share that much of what I do at Feeding Matters is connecting with families. These families reach out in desperate need of support, answers, and guidance. Can you imagine your child vomiting multiple times a day? How about not being able to work due to having to stay home with your child who requires tube meals 5x a day and daycare won't provide it? Or your child coming home from school completely exhausted because they did not eat all day while at school? This is what families are facing. It's overwhelming, stressful, exhausting, and frightening. Please join Hadyn and me in spreading awareness of PFD and help raise funds to support our families.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Feeding Matters